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Current Category: Hobbies

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Showing 1–10 of 116 results

Showing 1-10 of 116 items

  • Book Club Ornament Old World Christmas. As entrepreneur, Jim Rohn said, Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. A classic book and bottle of wine will create the best friendships. Conversing over a glass of...
    Book Club Ornament Old World Christmas. As entrepreneur, Jim Rohn said, Reading is essential for...
  • Load up the horses in the trailer and hit the road. Whether you're off for a trail ride, rodeo or work, the horse trailer is a home-away-from-home for horses and owners alike. This trailer is decked out for the holiday...
    Load up the horses in the trailer and hit the road. Whether you're off for...
  • Roads are made for cars, but a sports utility truck makes roads simply an option for travel. Getting off the beaten path and exploring the great outdoors is a thrill for the adventurer. Driving over rock formations, through mud and...
    Roads are made for cars, but a sports utility truck makes roads simply an option...
  • Potting Bench Ornament Old World Christmas. The snow brings about a peaceful silence, but the sweet sounds of birds singing and kids playing is the soundtrack to a gardener's life song as they plant and bring color back to the...
    Potting Bench Ornament Old World Christmas. The snow brings about a peaceful silence, but the...
  • Pickleball Mrs. Claus Ornament Old World Christmas.  Pickleball is a great recreational activity for all ages! The sport has become increasingly popular across the globe and has even captured the attention of North Pole citizens! Mrs. Claus has awakened her...
    Pickleball Mrs. Claus Ornament Old World Christmas.  Pickleball is a great recreational activity for all...
  • Gardening is good for the soul. There is something about working in the dirt with your hands that is therapeutic for many people. After a day of working in the garden, muscles may be tired but to nurture a garden...
    Gardening is good for the soul. There is something about working in the dirt with...
  • A basket filled with yarn symbolizes a project in progress. Knitters and crocheters can turn strings of yarn into masterpiece blankets, clothing, decorative pieces and more. A basket of yarn is also a cat's favorite toy basket.
    A basket filled with yarn symbolizes a project in progress. Knitters and crocheters can turn...
  • Next to his horse, a saddle is a cowboy's most valuable possession. The Western Saddle has a horn up front for tying on a rope or holding onto when things get rough! On the trail, a good saddle provided support...
    Next to his horse, a saddle is a cowboy's most valuable possession. The Western Saddle...
  • The steam locomotive symbolizes the many journeys we've taken, whether in real life or emotionally as we grow and mature. The train is a symbol of adventure and discovering new places. The journey is as important as the destination. All...
    The steam locomotive symbolizes the many journeys we've taken, whether in real life or emotionally...
  • Bee Blessed Round Ornament Old World Christmas. These busy bees are dressed like queens, with their pearlized bodies and glittering wings. This tribute to a wonder of nature sparkles with appreciation for the bee's architectural skills as well as their...
    Bee Blessed Round Ornament Old World Christmas. These busy bees are dressed like queens, with...

Category: Hobbies

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